Theater Hours of Operation:
Our theaters are open Tuesday-Sunday. Weekday screenings begin around 5:00 p.m., and around noon on weekends.  If you'd like to speak to a staff member about showtimes, film content, or any other questions that you may have, call (318) 459-4122.

Administrative Office Hours of Operation:
Open 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday. Closed holidays.

RFC's Mission

The Robinson Film Center, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit arts organization based in Shreveport, educates, enriches and entertains through the power of film.

RFC exhibits independent, international and classic cinema daily in two movie theaters, with a full-service bistro and special events space upstairs. RFC provides film history and media literacy classes for all ages, focusing strongly on K-12 students and senior citizens. RFC also supports outreach programs that promote and strengthen the state’s film industry.

RFC's Impact


Our annual impact on the local economy, according to Americans for the Arts. That’s pretty good for two screens and a mission to show the best movies. 


The number of tickets sold this year to the world’s best independent, foreign and classic films, often shown exclusively at RFC. Eighty-four percent play only here. 


The number of people reached with our education, outreach and special programs. Moviegoers see great movies, plus hear from smart minds. 


The number of downtown Shreveport employees who work in a business district enriched by arts and culture. 


The number of RFC Supporting Cast memberships held by individuals, couples and families in our community. 


The number of employees at RFC. Nine full-time employees and 23 part-time daily work to improve our community’s quality of life and play vital supporting roles in the state’s creative economy. 


The number of nonprofit art houses in Louisiana.

RFC's History

In September of 2002, a group of media professionals, educators and arts advocates met to discuss the possibility of forming an art film center. After much discussion the Red River Film Society, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was created.

The Red River Film Society aimed to show the best in international, independent, and classic film and media and serve as a resource for filmmaking and media education. The organization, not having its own venue at that point, partnered with local colleges and area school districts to provide services and programs relevant to this mission.

After serving the community with meaningful programming, the Red River Film Society successfully launched and completed a capital campaign to open as the Robinson Film Center in downtown Shreveport. The new facility officially opened on May 3, 2008. It currently houses two movie theaters offering 35mm and digital projection; three multipurpose spaces for educational programming and special events; and a restaurant.

Since opening its downtown doors, RFC has worked daily to provide great films and dynamic educational programs for the community. This mission nurtures and celebrates the state's creative class. The creative class consists of film industry professionals such as actors and filmmakers, Louisiana artists and musicians; K-12 and college students and teachers; and moviegoers. At the film center, this creative class daily supports the notion that film is essentially culturally and economical, locally and globally.

RFC’s local value can be partially measured by participation in its membership program. Community members pay between $55 and $5,000 to become RFC members. The membership program offers theater discounts to patrons. The program also supports RFC’s educational programming and general operations. In December 2010, RFC counted 660 memberships. Today, there are more than 1,000.