Read Robinson Film Center's Annual Report for 2015

At Robinson Film Center, we work hard to deliver the best possible programs to our audience. We do a lot more than just show great movies, and you can review this year’s progress in our Annual Report.

  • What was the most popular movie of 2015?
  • What changes are ahead next year?
  • How do 1,062 members make us stronger?

While we’re excited by how far we’ve come, we’ve still got a long way to go.

RFC is burdened with a heavy debt load that makes day-to-day operations more challenging than it needs to be. Our Ambassadors committee has been working since October to eliminate this burden. They’ve raised $74,880 – or 18% of the goal – from 139 generous donors. All Ambassadors and all RFC Board Members are contributing to this campaign, and we are asking you to join them.

Please review our annual report, and please consider making a gift today.

Most humbly,

RFC Ambassadors Group

Tina Kendrick, Chair
Lampton Enochs, Co-Chair
Bruce Allen
Laura Peterson Butler
Donna Curtis
Betty Henderson
O Delton Harrison, Jr.
Sanford Katz, M.D.
Sherry Kerr
Tem McElroy
Dee Peterson
Ro White, Board Liaison
Ben Woods

Board of Directors

Ro White, President
Justin Ricou, Vice President
John Coutret, Treasurer
Lea Stroud, Secretary
Waynette Ballengee, Past President
Clay Walker, Past President
Jenny Barish
Richard Biernacki
Kevin Bryan
Candace Collette
Rhonda Dossett
Glenda Erwin
Limbert Fabian
Jefferson Hendricks
Teri Kerr
Joe McCulloch
Maggie McElroy
Meredith Nelson
Melissa Parkerson
Thomas Pressly
Darrell Rebouche
Claude G Rives IV
Stephen Roberts
Mark Rowe
Bryan Sullivan
Felice A. Williams
Melva Williams
Beth Woods